A Walk Through Howell Prairie’s Past:
Othaniel and Cordelia Castlio
by Bob Brail
by Bob Brail
Since the
advent of the automobile, people have traveled to visit historical places. When air travel became commonplace,
vacationers were able to visit historical locations in foreign lands. It is, however, possible to visit places that
speak of the past without even leaving one’s local area. If one is willing to do a little walking,
local history is awaiting discovery. One
such opportunity involves Othaniel and Cordelia Castlio, early residents of
what was then known as Howell’s Praire.
Some very tangible evidence of their lives lingers in the southwest
corner of the August Busch Conservation Area.
Othaniel C. Castlio was born May 13, 1824, in Howell’s
Prairie. His parents were John H.
Castlio and Nancy Howell Callaway Castlio.
His grandparents, John and Eleanor Castlio, came to the area from Kentucky
earlier in the nineteenth century.
Othaniel Castlio’s life was forever
changed in September, 1848, when news reached St.
Charles County of
the discovery of gold in California
earlier that year. Several men from
Howell’s Prairie, including Castlio and a small group of his relatives (one of
whom did not survive the adventure), made the long, dangerous journey west to
“seek their fortunes.” Castlio’s group left
in April, 1849. They outfitted their
expedition in Independence, Missouri,
and then followed the Santa Fe Trail. Castlio was the first of the group to strike
gold. In February of 1851, the group
began their long return trip. They
purchased passage on the ship Adelaida out of San Fransisco. At the Isthmus of Panama,
they left the Adelaida and spent nearly a month crossing the narrow
piece of land by foot and flat-bottomed boats.
Then Castlio and his relatives bought passage on a steamship bound for New
Orleans, intending to take a steamboat up the Mississippi
River. However, for reasons
that are unknown, their ship ended up in New York City
instead. When the men finally reached Howell’s Prairie, each possessed about $10,000.
This money allowed Castlio the opportunity to buy the farm where he would spend the rest of his life. Castlio bought about 640 acres from the Stephenson family for about $8 per acre. Part of this land included Spanish Land Grant 424, originally owned by Godfrey Krah. Thomas D. Stephenson later purchased this land from Krah and built the house that Othaniel and Cordelia Keithley would occupy.
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Othaniel Castlio |
Cordelia Castlio |
Castlio and his bride moved into
the former Stephenson home, calling it “West End.” There they raised nine children: Norman,
Coleman, Medora, Hortense, Serena, Wheeler, Aletha, Uncas, and Iantha. The three-room double log house had a
fourteen foot walnut-lined hallway separating the two front rooms.
Foundations on this home site can
easily be found today (N38.42.619; W90.47.421).
The foundation of the massive chimney is visible. Nearby are the foundations of the stone portion of the house and the top portion of a
stone-lined well. In 1940 when the government purchased the 18,000 acres from
which the August Busch and Weldon Spring Conservation Areas would eventually
come, this home was located on Toedebusch Road at the end of a lane; Toedebusch
Road now dead ends at the Busch Conservation Area boundary very near the
southwest corner of the former Castlio property.
On January 19, 1857, the Castlios sold
an acre of land for one dollar in order to start a school. The land was “situated on the east side of
the tract of land purchased by the said Othaniel C. Castlio of Stephenson heirs
and adjoining land owned by Francis Howell [Jr.]”. The approximate location of this school would
be just to the north of Lake 21. During the Civil War, Union sympathizers
burned the school. Castlio then
defiantly moved the teacher and pupils
into a small stone structure next to the Castlio home. Soon, however, he discontinued the school,
fearing reprisals against his family.
Othaniel Castlio spent his entire
life, including his childhood, working with livestock and apparently became
quite good at it. In fact, “Othaniel was
such a good judge of stock that . . . [m]any times he accompanied neighbors [to
buy livestock] who preferred to depend upon his opinion . . . rather than their
own.” Ironically, Castlio’s death would
be caused by a sheep he was shearing that kicked him in the stomach. He died on May 31, 1871, less than three weeks after his
forty-seventh birthday. The next day he
was buried, and his wife, “dazed, stunned, and grief-stricken, was left when
she was forty years old with nine children, the youngest three and the oldest
seventeen, and a 600 acre stock farm.”
On August 10 an auction of the estate of Othaniel Castlio was held at
his farm. The items sold consisted of what must have been nearly all of his farming
equipment, grain, and livestock. Nearly
five hundred bushels of wheat and oats were sold, along with more than two
hundred head of livestock, half of which were sheep. It is interesting to note that Cordelia
Castlio bought one wagon and a hay frame.
The sale netted $3,316.25.
Castlio Cemetery
(N 38.42.714; W 90.47.559) originally sat at the top of a hill, overlooking the
creek at the bottom of another hill upon which the house was located. Lake 37 now separates
the cemetery from the home foundations.
Thomas D. Stephenson, who died in 1848, and his son are buried here, as
are two infant children of Othaniel and Cordelia: one stillborn son in 1868 and
five day-old Samuel in 1870.
Othaniel and Cordelia, who died on February 28, 1904, in El Paso, Texas, share an obelisk-shaped marker in the cemetery’s southwest corner. Othaniel and Cordelia’s infant grandson, Faunt Castlio, who died in 1888, is buried to the north of his grandparents. When Uncas Castlio, the Castlios’ son and Faunt’s father, died in 1949, his ashes were scattered over the grave of his son.
Othaniel and Cordelia, who died on February 28, 1904, in El Paso, Texas, share an obelisk-shaped marker in the cemetery’s southwest corner. Othaniel and Cordelia’s infant grandson, Faunt Castlio, who died in 1888, is buried to the north of his grandparents. When Uncas Castlio, the Castlios’ son and Faunt’s father, died in 1949, his ashes were scattered over the grave of his son.
For folks living in the Boone-Duden
Historical Society area, history is at their doorsteps. Sometime between fall and spring, when leaves
and brush can’t obstruct the view, take an hour or two and explore the Othaniel
and Cordelia Castlio home and cemetery.
It will be worth the effort.
Sources: Atlas Map of St. Charles Co. 1875; Cemeteries
of St. Charles County, Missouri (Carrol Geerling); Crow’s Nest
(Lilian Hays Oliver); Small Glories (Dr. Dan Brown);